Our team members at Paper Converting Machine Company in Green Bay, WI, take to heart the notion of the “season of giving.”
Just recently, they donated $3400 to their local Marine Toys for Tots. Working to help provide toys for area children at Christmas who may not otherwise get them has been a tradition at PCMC for 13 years. It originally started at Northern Engraving, another part of their business, but quickly became a fixture throughout the company.
Eric Reimer, one of our Supply Chain Team Members at PCMC, said it began when a local store, ShopKo, was offering a two for one deal in support of Toys for Tots – you buy one toy and donate it to the drive and the store would match it. That deal piqued the interest of Eric and his teammates.
“If I can buy 10 toys, we can get 20 toys,” Eric said. “You’re doubling your buying power by doing it.”
Last year, PCMC associates were able to provide more than 1,000 toys through the partnership with ShopKo. Unfortunately, before this year’s holiday season, the store closed. So, as PCMC talked to the local Marine Toys for Tots to figure out how they could still help, the suggestion was made for a cash donation to fill in the gaps for older children who may not necessarily be interested in toys.
The PCMC family held several fundraisers, including raffling off Packers vs. Bears football tickets.
“The people who come to me and talk to me about it, I know they’re excited,” Eric said. “People want to give and they want to be generous and they want to help people but it’s difficult sometimes to choose where you want that generosity to go.”
But the holiday season isn’t the only time the PCMC team members help others. For Veterans’ Day, they donated $12,000 to six different area veterans charities.
Retired PCMC team member, Gene Mikulsky (a veteran himself,) started the effort almost 15 years ago and continues to help out today. Gene and a team of folks, including Mike Dahlke Sr. (another PCMC retiree,) Nancy Charlier, Jim Neumeyer and Lisa Matuszak help organize donations to be raffled off, luncheons and other fundraisers. They’re assisted by other team members, such as Mike Dahlke Jr., Jessie Robinhorst, Mark Boerschinger, Mardy Packard, Karen Hein and Eric Hilger.
“It makes me happy to be able help others,” said Lisa Matuszak, a Sales Coordinator at PCMC, whose father is also a veteran. “If you have a spirit of giving, it carries through wherever you go – even at work. It’s amazing just how powerful a group can be when you get together to support the same cause. It is exciting to be able to do those things for others.”
However, at PCMC it’s not just about a “season” of giving; it’s about a sense of caring that is fostered year-round. Caring not only for family, friends and teammates, but others in their community. Even animals! At their recent holiday party, they raised $1,000 for the local Humane Society.
And that caring spirit help tighten the bonds of the PCMC family. 
“To be able to work together for a good cause, providing those less fortunate with something that absolutely means the world to them – is what it is all about. I’m grateful to be able to do that for others,” Lisa said.
“It’s a feeling of family, where you get this feeling that everyone’s happy and supportive and they want to help and they want to do good things for others,” Eric said. “For me it’s just the feeling of joy you have with your co-workers that it was a deed well done and it was fun and enjoyable.”
A culture of caring that is prevalent year-round. Isn’t that the way a family should be?