“Que Paso Amigo”
To me Bob Chapman, better known to me as Bobby, is just my goofy grandfather responsible for a huge chunk of childhood memories. For other people, he is known as “Bob Chapman, CEO of St. Louis, MO based Barry-Wehmiller, a $3 billion global manufacturing business with more than 12,000 team members and over 100 companies world wide.” But that just scratches the surface of the amazing grandfather, leader, and friend I know him to be. Bob inherited his father’s bottle washer business, due to his dad’s untimely death from a heart attack in 1975. Immediately, “my first thought was, I must build something good from this business that killed my dad.” A large burden to put upon himself at the young age of 30. He now had to turn an 80 year-old, $20 million revenue company with outdated machinery and a struggling financial situation, into a thriving company in order to keep the promise he made to himself. Bob attended Indiana University to earn his BS in accounting and then continued his academic career at Michigan University to achieve a masters degree in business administration. His only work experience at this point was with Price Waterhouse, a public accounting firm. For most people in his situation, running a struggling company would have been a very daunting task, but he remained optimistic and encouraged to turn his father’s company around.
Bob’s first 50 years as CEO of Barry-Wehmiller, he resembled a traditional businessman focusing primarily on saving the company his father once purchased for just $30,000. It was known that “my priorities were to save the company from bankruptcy and give it a future. A real challenge given the state of the business, the competitive landscape, and old technology I had to work with.” From the knowledge and techniques that he learned from his studies in college, Bob
succeeded in turning his father’s company around financially. Making a once struggling St. Louis company, into a $3 billion revenue company that has over 100 locations in 28 different countries and over 12,000 employees. This wasn’t enough. Accomplishing this was a amazing achievement, but his promise was that he must “build something good from the business that killed my father”, and to Bob, all he had done with the company was financial. Nothing “good” had been made of it.
One day my grandfather was attending a wedding of a close friend’s daughter, which ended up being one of the most influential moments in his business career. The wedding opened his eyes to the fact that “people are not functions or machines, but someone’s precious child.” As a father of six, this changed his entire outlook on his role as a leader. “Leadership is a privilege, and it takes courage to care for the people you have been given the privilege to lead.” With this, Bob founded a leadership program known as “Truly Human Leadership”. The main idea of this program is to encourage the change from “management” to “leadership”. From “using” people for economic gain to “embracing” the need to care about all of the people that you have the privilege to lead. Updating their mission statement to “We measure success by the way that we touch the lives of people.” This changed a lot of how Barry-Wehmiller operated and went about the acquisition of new companies. In most instances, if a CEO acquires a new company, they will fire and replace employees to better suit their own needs. Barry-Wehmiller takes a much different approach. “When Barry-Wehmiller acquires a struggling company, chairman and CEO Bob Chapman almost never fires anybody. Instead, he comes in and says, “You are safe here. We’re going to train you on leadership and culture, and we’re going to be patient.” He’s not expecting returns in the first quarter or even the first year. Yet, reliably, if he gives his Truly Human Leadership principles three to five years to take hold, the acquired companies turn around to be more profitable than they had ever been before — with the same people.” Proving that his real intentions are not in making an immediate profit, but in the betterment of the people he has the “privilege” to lead.
As far as Bob’s efforts have gone already, his plans for the future are simple. Bob believes that “Life is a journey. That everyday we are learning how to be better stewards of the lives entrusted to us. It is about people, purpose, and performance. It all begins with our fundamental responsibility to those in our care, then we have to perform for those who have put their trust in us.”8 A simple concept that he hopes will continue to develop and be adopted by companies and leaders everywhere. He hopes for a future in which work can be fun, and where everyone can work for a company that cares about them. When asked what matters most to you as a CEO, Bob replied with, “That I create a culture where “Everybody Matters”. That my employees return home each and every day safe, healthy, and fulfilled… knowing that who they are and what they do matter.”9 This is a very rare occurrence in many modern day companies. In fact “Research shows that 88% of American workers believe that the organizations they work for do not care about them as individuals; that three out of four workers are disengaged from the work that they do. A sad statistic given that the number one source of happiness among Americans is not wealth or health, its a good job.”10 This is the the main reasoning behind all of what Bob Chapman stands for. His main goal is to try to make a difference in the world by providing the future with the skills needed to be a “Truly Human Leader”, and the skills to truly care, even if it means sacrificing his personal profit for the betterment of the future of his company and the world. The New York Times states “the primary value exchange between employees and their employers has been time for money, and not much more. Bob Chapman is suggesting a deeper, richer value exchange: We will invest in you not just as a worker but also as a human being. You’ll get better at both, and so will we.”
I believe that Bob Chapman’s efforts towards creating a future in which “Everybody Matters” is the beginning of a better world. A journey that has changed the lives of so many, and will continue to bring joy and meaning to people’s lives everywhere. As Bobby’s grandson I am incredibly fortunate to have such an amazing role model that I have and will look up to my entire life. I can only hope to make as big an impact on the world as he has, and I am excited to follow his lead in prioritizing the needs of others before my own. I want to become a “Truly Human Leader” and follow the example that has been set before me. Bobby, thank you for everything you have done for me and our family. I will always look up to you and work to make you proud. Not only are you the the most “truly human leader” I have ever known, but one of my best friends in the entire world. You always tell me “I can’t be “with” you forever, but I can be in your head and heart forever”. A statement that will be forever true to me and all the people whose lives you have changed for the better. On behalf of everyone you have positively affected, Thank you for all that you do for us to make this world a better place.