Podcast: Cambridge Engineering, Glory and Dignity at Work
September 16, 2018

- Bob Chapman
CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller
At the top of Cambridge Engineering’s webpage, it says: “Helping leaders create better working environments for hard working people.”
Cambridge designs and installs HVAC systems for a number of industries. But, just like Barry-Wehmiller, they want their business to serve a higher purpose.
“With more than 37,000 system installations and 2.5 billion square feet of buildings served, Cambridge celebrates its customers’ commitment to an improved working environment for people on the factory or warehouse floor. Restoring glory and dignity for people working in manufacturing, warehousing and logistics is John Kramer’s vision. By helping people be more successful and fulfilled at work, we might contribute to improving lives at work, at home, in their communities and their cities and ultimately within the country.”
Sounds a lot like our mission!
Cambridge CEO John Kramer and President Marc Braun recently appeared at the BW Leadership Institute (now Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute, read more here) – as part of our Leadership Speakers Series – in a round table discussion with Susan Conrad, one of the BWLI’s partners.
John and Marc talked about the creation of their culture and how they sustain it. And you can hear that discussion on this episode of the Everybody Matters Podcast.
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